SECOND EDITION Isshinryu Textbook
SECOND EDITION Isshinryu Textbook
SECOND EDITION Isshinryu Textbook

SECOND EDITION Isshinryu Textbook


See back cover for description.  Book is in black and white.  About 73% more material than the First Edition as measured by comparing relevant page square inches.  Black Belt level discussion of key kata elements. Strike when the opportunity presents itself and get your own copy of this outstanding work.  

This is the Second Edition published December 1, 2017 as revised March 8, 2018.  The corrections/additions in the December 1, 2017 printing are incorporated in this Second Edition.  If you already own either printing, the errata sheet is available for free download at the Isshinryu Textbook Facebook group.   

This book was printed on demand by IngramSpark Lightening Source, and meets their quality standards for print on demand.  It is available in soft cover only. 

This book is best purchased from Grandmaster "Willie" Adams, Hanshi. He offers a discount for K.I.A.I. members, and can provide a volume rate for instructors who buy in bulk. He's the guy on the cover. Second best is getting it here, signed and dated by the author. 

Special Note:  This book does NOT cover weapons (and a section on weapons was deleted).  If you own the First Edition, retain it for the section on Toku Mine No Kun (and because First Editions sell for a premium).

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